matchWildcard method
Match current input symbol as a wildcard. If the symbol type matches (i.e. has a value greater than 0), {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#reportMatch} and {@link #consume} are called to complete the match process.
If the symbol type does not match, {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#recoverInline} is called on the current error strategy to attempt recovery. If {@link #getBuildParseTree} is [true] and the token index of the symbol returned by {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#recoverInline} is -1, the symbol is added to the parse tree by calling {@link Parser#createErrorNode(ParserRuleContext, Token)}. then {@link ParserRuleContext#addErrorNode(ErrorNode)}
@return the matched symbol @throws RecognitionException if the current input symbol did not match a wildcard and the error strategy could not recover from the mismatched symbol
Token matchWildcard() {
var t = currentToken;
if (t.type > 0) {
} else {
t = errorHandler.recoverInline(this);
if (buildParseTree && t.tokenIndex == -1) {
// we must have conjured up a new token during single token insertion
// if it's not the current symbol
context!.addErrorNode(createErrorNode(context!, t));
return t;