Entity Simple Cache

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Small and simple library for caching typed objects and values. It gives few strategies to control expiration of entries in cache. This lib doesn't use any kind soft/weak linking to track objects. It's more like a Map with extra wrapper to control when and how to dispose values from it.


  • Read, update, delete and invalidate cache.
  • Allows to configure expiration time of entry
  • Allows to limit maximum number of entries in cache
  • Provides built-in mechanism to periodically remove expired entries
  • Provides built-in mechanism to remove expired entries by chosen count of read operations

Getting started

Here is simple listing of cache usage. For more examples and ideas how to use it please refer to test folder.

import 'package:entity_simple_cache/src/cache.dart';

void main() {
  final cache = Cache<String, String>(maxLength: 3);  //constrain cache to 3 elements
  cache.write("A", "This is A");    //add to cache
  cache["B"] = "This is B";         //add to cache
  print(cache.length);              //get approximate size

  cache["C"] = "This is C";         //add to cache
  cache["D"] = "This is D";         //add to cache

  print(cache);                     //dump cache info
  print("cache for key A is: ${cache.read("A")}");  //read from cache
  print("cache for key B is: ${cache["B"]}");       //read from cache
  print("cache for key C is: ${cache["C"]}");       //read from cache
  print("cache for key D is: ${cache["D"]}");       //read from cache