
Provide utility classes to operate entities in an immutable way.

This Package

The Entity is defined as a class with an Id, as shown below.

abstract class Entity<Id> {
  Id get id;

This package provides the Entities class, which is a set of Entity. Entities is an immutable class that has a convenient API.

How to Use

The first step is to define a class that implements Entity.

class Todo implements Entity<String> {
  final String id;
  final String name;

  const Todo(this.id, this.name);

Then optionally give an alias to Entities.

typedef Todos = Entities<String, Todo>;

You are now ready to immutably manage a set of Entity. This example makes available the Todos class, which has methods to add and remove Todo immutably.

You can define a todo set from Todos.empty().

final todo1 = Todo("1", "todo1");
final todo2 = Todo("2", "todo2");
final todo3 = Todo("3", "todo3");

final todos = Todos.empty();

You can use the put(Todo todo) method to get a new Todos with todo added.

final putTodos = todos.put(todo1);
// Entities<String, Todo>(Todo(1, todo1))

You can add multiple todo at the same time with the putAll(Iterable<Todo> todo) method.

final putAllTodos = todos.putAll([todo1, todo2, todo3]);
// Entities<String, Todo>(Todo(1, todo1), Todo(2, todo2), Todo(3, todo3))

The remove(Todo todo) method removes the todo, and you get new todos.

final removeTodos = putAllTodos.remove(todo1);
// Entities<String, Todo>(Todo(2, todo2), Todo(3, todo3))

The removeAll(Iterable<Todo> todo) method allows you to remove multiple todo at the same time.

final removeAllTodos = putAllTodos.removeAll([todo1, todo2, todo3]);
// Entities<String, Todo>()

Since these methods are immutable, the new todos will be a different object than the original todos.

expect(todos == putTodos, false);
expect(todos == putAllTodos, false);
expect(putAllTodos == removeTodos, false);
expect(removeAllTodos == putAllTodos, false);

