EnsResolve extension



nodeHash Uint8List
Name hash for ENS name
no setter
reverseNodeHash Uint8List
Reverse node hash for ENS name
no setter


getAddress() Future<EthereumAddress>
Returns the owner/controller for the current ENS name.
getCoinAddress(CoinType coinType) Future<String>
Returns the owner/controller for the current ENS name.
getContentHash() Future<String>
Sets the address for the current ENS name for the coinId provided.
getName() Future<String>
Returns a name, that allows you to make record queries.
getResolverAddress(Uint8List hash) Future<EthereumAddress>
Returns a Resolver Object, allowing you to query names from this specific resolver. Most useful when querying a different resolver that is different than is currently recorded on the registry. E.g. migrating to a new resolver
getTextRecord() Future<EnsTextRecord>
Returns the text record for a given key for the current ENS name.
setAddress(EthereumAddress address, BigInt coinType, {required Credentials credentials, Transaction? transaction}) Future<String>
Returns the address for the current ENS name for the coinId provided.
setEnsName(String name, {required Credentials credentials, Transaction? transaction}) Future<String>
Sets the name for the current Ethereum address