Our in-house developed eNROLL platform serves as a technological compliance solution. A solution that is now familiarized across the globe in countries with big populations where falsification of identity, signatures and phishing is very common.

The software utilizes a set of AI powered technologies, like the OCR (Optical Character Recognition), to cut back on the risks of human-based errors and time needed for identification

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot


  • Minimum Flutter version 3.3.4
  • Android minSdkVersion 24
  • Kotlin Version 1.9.0


1- Run this command with Flutter:

 $ flutter pub add enroll_plugin

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

   enroll_plugin: ^latest_version

2.1. Android

  • Add these lines in Build.gradle file:
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
maven { url = uri("https://maven.innovatrics.com/releases") }
  • Upgrade minSdkVersion to 24 in app/build.gradle.
  • Add the following lines to settings.gradle file:
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("https://storage.googleapis.com/r8-releases/raw")
    dependencies {

2.2. iOS

  • add the following to your project info.plist file
	<string>"Your Message to the users"</string>
	<string>"Your Message to the users"</string>
  • Add these two sources to the iOS project Podfile
source 'https://github.com/innovatrics/innovatrics-podspecs'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

2.3. Add a license file to your project:

  • For Android

App Screenshot

  • For iOS

App Screenshot

ℹ️ Make sure your iOS project has a reference for the license file or instead:

  • open ios project
  • drag and drop the license file to the root folder of the project as described above
  • make sure copy items if needed check box is checked
  • then done

2.4. Run Command line:

flutter pub get


import 'package:enroll_plugin/enroll_plugin.dart';


  • Create a widget and just return EnrollPlugin widget in the build function as:
 return EnrollPlugin(
        mainScreenContext: context,
        tenantId: 'TENANT_ID',
        tenantSecret: 'TENANT_SECRET',
        enrollMode: EnrollMode.auth,
        enrollEnvironment: EnrollEnvironment.staging,
        localizationCode: EnrollLocalizations.en,
        onSuccess: (applicantId) {
          // Delay the state change until after the build completes
          WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
            debugPrint("success: $applicantId");
        onError: (error) {
          // Delay the state change until after the build completes
          WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
            debugPrint("Error: ${error.toString()}");
        onGettingRequestId: (requestId) {
          // Delay the state change until after the build completes
          WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
            debugPrint("requestId:: $requestId");
        applicationId: 'APPLICATION_ID',
        skipTutorial: false,
        levelOfTrust: 'LEVEL_OF_TRUST_TOKEN',
        googleApiKey: 'GOOGLE_API_KEY',
        correlationId: 'correlationId',


Keys. Values
tenantId Required. Write your organization tenant id
tenantSecret Required. Write your organization tenant secret.
enrollMode Required. Mode of the SDK.
environment Required. Select the EnrollEnvironment: EnrollEnvironment.STAGING for staging and EnrollEnvironment.PRODUCTION for production.
enrollCallback Required. Callback function to receive success and error response.
localizationCode Required. Select your language code LocalizationCode.EN for English, and LocalizationCode.AR for Arabic. The default value is English.
googleApiKey Optional. Google Api Key to view the user current location on the map.
applicantId Optional. Write your Application id.
levelOfTrustToken Optional. Write your Organization level of trust.
skipTutorial Optional. Choose to ignore the tutorial or not.
appColors Optional. Collection of the app colors that you could override like (primary - secondary - backGround - successColor - warningColor - errorColor - textColor).
correlationId Optional. Correlation ID to connect your User ID with our Request ID.