bySecond property

List<int>? bySecond

Seconds modifier / limiter for this Recurrence.

BYxxx rule parts modify the recurrence in some manner. BYxxx rule parts for a period of time which is the same or greater than the frequency generally reduce or limit the number of occurrences of the recurrence generated. For example, "FREQ=DAILY;BYMONTH=1" reduces the number of recurrence instances from all days (if BYMONTH tag is not present) to all days in January. BYxxx rule parts for a period of time less than the frequency generally increase or expand the number of occurrences of the recurrence. For example, "FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=1,2" increases the number of days within the yearly recurrence set from 1 (if BYMONTH tag is not present) to 2.

|BYMONTH   |Limit   |Limit   |Limit  |Limit  |Limit |Limit  |Expand|
|BYWEEKNO  |N/A     |N/A     |N/A    |N/A    |N/A   |N/A    |Expand|
|BYYEARDAY |Limit   |Limit   |Limit  |N/A    |N/A   |N/A    |Expand|
|BYMONTHDAY|Limit   |Limit   |Limit  |Limit  |N/A   |Expand |Expand|
|BYDAY     |Limit   |Limit   |Limit  |Limit  |Expand|Note 1 |Note 2|
|BYHOUR    |Limit   |Limit   |Limit  |Expand |Expand|Expand |Expand|
|BYMINUTE  |Limit   |Limit   |Expand |Expand |Expand|Expand |Expand|
|BYSECOND  |Limit   |Expand  |Expand |Expand |Expand|Expand |Expand|
|BYSETPOS  |Limit   |Limit   |Limit  |Limit  |Limit |Limit  |Limit |

Note 1: Limit if BYMONTHDAY is present; otherwise, special expand for MONTHLY.

Note 2: Limit if BYYEARDAY or BYMONTHDAY is present; otherwise, special expand for WEEKLY if BYWEEKNO present; otherwise, special expand for MONTHLY if BYMONTH present; otherwise, special expand for YEARLY.

Compare byMinute


final List<int>? bySecond;