
An enhanced version of the dart http package based on axios

Getting started

Initialize enhanced http as follows :

EnhancedHttp.initialize(baseURL: 'https://dog.ceo/api');

Custom headers can be provided through the name parameter 'headers' ( Default content type is specified as application/json ) :

    baseURL: Constants.apiBaseURL,
    headers: {'Authorization': "Bearer $token"},

A default error message can be provided to return in case of unexpected errors :

    baseURL: Constants.apiBaseURL,
    defaultErrorMessage: "An error has occurred please try again later"

Provide a function which can isolate and return an error from the response format of your server :

convertAndNotifyError(dynamic errorResponse){
  if (errorResponse['error'].runtimeType == String)
    return errorResponse['error'];
  if (errorResponse['error'].runtimeType == [].runtimeType){
    String firstKey = '';
    errorResponse['error'].forEach((key, value) {
      if (firstKey == '') firstKey = key;
    return errorResponse['message'][firstKey]['error'];
  return "An error has occurred please try again later";

    baseURL: Constants.apiBaseURL,
    errorTransformer: convertAndNotifyError


Fetch data from an api endpoint - GET

final res = await EnhancedHttp.get(path: "/path");

Send data to an api endpoint - POST

final res = await EnhancedHttp.post(path: "/path", {
    "data": "This is some sample data to send to a server"

Update data at an api endpoint - PUT

final res = await EnhancedHttp.put(path: "/path", {
    "data": "This is some sample data to update at a server"

Delete data at an api endpoint - DELETE

final res = await EnhancedHttp.delete(path: "/path");

Additional Parameters

All requests can take in the parameter expectedStatus which is the status code that is expected to be returned from the server. If the status code returned is not the same as the one provided, an error will be thrown. The default value is 200.

final res = await EnhancedHttp.get(path: "/path", expectedStatus: 200, onSuccess: () => {
    print("Data fetched from server successfully");

All requests can take in a function which executes if the response http status code matches the provided or default expectedStatus

final res = await EnhancedHttp.get(path: "/path", expectedStatus: 200, onSuccess: () => {
    print("Data fetched from server successfully");

Specify the 'formData' attribute as true if the request payload needs to be in the form of multipart/form-data

final res = await EnhancedHttp.post(path: "/path", expectedStatus: 200,
    payload: {
        "data": "This is some sample data to update at a server"
    formData: true,
    onSuccess: () => {
        print("Multipart request sent successfully");

The files attribute on the http post and http put methods can be used to send files to the server

final res = await EnhancedHttp.post(path: "/path", expectedStatus: 200,
    payload: {
        "data": "This is some sample data to update at a server"
    formData: true,
    files: [
            "array_key": "file",
            "file": File("path_to_file")
    onSuccess: () => {
        print("File sent successfully");


Based on the original dart http package by Google (https://pub.dev/packages/http)

