Simple package to transform numbers into English numerals without flutter dependency and with null safety, as opposed to other obsolete packages.


Only integer cardinals are currently available, in the non-inclusive range ]-10^66, 10^66[


It can be used to create a Cardinal number from int or BigInt:

final other = Cardinal(999);
print(other.enUk); // "nine hundred and ninety-nine"
print(other.enUs); // "nine hundred ninety-nine"
print(other.toString()); // "nine hundred ninety-nine"

It can also be used the other way around to convert cardinal text to int and BigInt:

final uk = Cardinal("nine hundred and ninety-nine");
print(uk.toInt()); // "999"
final us = Cardinal("nine hundred ninety-nine");
print(us.toInt()); // "999"


Library to implement English written numerals in pure dart with null safety