extras library


words List<String>
getter/setter pair


createParagraph({int numSentences = -1, int numParagraphs = 1}) String
Creates random paragraphs.
createSentence({int sentenceLength = -1, int numSentences = 1}) String
Creates random sentences.
createText({int numParagraphs = -1, int numSentences = -1}) String
Creates a text comprised of a number of paragraphs.
createWord({int count = 1}) String
Creates count number of random words.
makeFakes<T>({required ThingGenerator<T> factory, int count = 20}) List<T>
Generates a non-growable count sized list of the items returned by factory.
randomBool() bool
Generates a random bool value.
randomId([int length = 12]) String
Generates a random alpha-numeric ascii encoded value of the specified length (defaults to 12).
randomInt(int min, int max) int
Generates a random integer between min and max.


RandomBool = bool Function()
The shape of a bool producing function.
RandomNumber = int Function(int min, int max)
The shape of a number producing function.
ThingGenerator<T> = T Function(int index, RandomNumber random, RandomBool yesOrNo)
The shape of a T producing function.