getCPUArch static method
Checks the OS-reported CPU architecture and returns the appropriate internal CpuArch value.
static CpuArch getCPUArch() {
String procType = '';
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
final result =
Process.runSync('sysctl', ['-in', 'sysctl.proc_translated']);
var isCompat = (int.tryParse(result.stdout.toString().trim()) ?? 0) == 1;
if (isCompat) {
return CpuArch.arm64v8;
} else if (Platform.isLinux || Platform.isMacOS && isCommand('uname')) {
final result = Process.runSync(
runInShell: true,
includeParentEnvironment: false,
procType = result.stdout.toString().trim().toLowerCase();
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
// See:
procType = Platform.environment['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE']!.toLowerCase();
switch (procType) {
case 'x86':
case 'i386':
case 'amd64':
case 'x86_64':
return Platform.isWindows ? CpuArch.windowsAmd64 : CpuArch.amd64;
case 'arm64':
case 'aarch64':
return CpuArch.arm64v8;