iacLambdaSchema top-level constant

String const iacLambdaSchema


const iacLambdaSchema = r"""{
  "definitions": {},
  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#",
  "$id": "https://example.com/object1639752244.json",
  "title": "Root",
  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "description": {
      "$id": "#root/description",
      "description": "The human description of the function.",
      "title": "Description",
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "^.*$"
    "handler": {
      "$id": "#root/handler",
      "description": "The name of the executable handler.",
      "title": "Handler",
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "^.*$"
    "runtime": {
      "$id": "#root/runtime",
      "description": "The runtime used for executing the function.",
      "title": "Runtime",
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "pattern": "^.*$"
    "architecture": {
      "$id": "#root/architecture",
      "description": "The architecture used for executing the function.",
      "title": "Architecture",
      "type": "string",
      "enum": ["arm64", "x86_64"],
      "default": "arm64",
      "pattern": "^.*$"
    "memory": {
      "$id": "#root/memory",
      "description": "The amount of memory in megabytes to allocate for execution.\nRange: 128 -> 10,240",
      "title": "Memory",
      "type": "integer",
      "minimum": 128,
      "maximum": 10240
    "timeout": {
      "$id": "#root/timeout",
      "description": "The number of seconds allowed for execution before the function is terminated.\nRange: 0 -> 900",
      "title": "Timeout",
      "type": "integer",
      "minimum": 0,
      "maximum": 900
    "anonymous": {
      "$id": "#root/anonymous",
      "description": "Whether or not the function requires authentication.",
      "title": "Anonymous",
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false
    "cloudfront_event": {
      "$id": "#root/cloudfront_event",
      "description": "The CloudFront event to which the function will be bound.",
      "title": "CloudFront Event",
      "type": "string",
      "enum": ["viewer-request", "origin-request", "viewer-response", "origin-response"],
      "default": "origin-request",
      "pattern": "^.*$"
    "routes": {
      "$id": "#root/routes",
      "description": "The API gateway routes the function responds to.",
      "title": "Routes",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$id": "#root/routes/items",
        "title": "Items",
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["method", "path"],
        "properties": {
          "method": {
            "$id": "#root/routes/items/method",
            "description": "The HTTP method this route responds for.",
            "title": "Method",
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^.*$",
            "enum": ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "CONNECT", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", "PATCH"]
          "path": {
            "$id": "#root/routes/items/path",
            "description": "The URL path this route responds to.",
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^.*$"
    "environment": {
      "$id": "#root/environment",
      "description": "The environment variables provided to the function at runtime.",
      "title": "Environment Variables",
      "type": ["object", "null"],
      "additionalProperties": {
        "type": "string"