importRawKey static method

Future<AesCbcSecretKey> importRawKey(
  1. List<int> keyData

Import an AesCbcSecretKey from raw keyData.

KeyData must be either:

  • 16 bytes (128 bit) for AES-128, or,
  • 32 bytes (256 bit) for AES-256.

Support for AES-192 (24 byte keys) is intentionally omitted, in line with the decision not support AES-192 in Chrome.


import 'dart:convert' show utf8;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:webcrypto/webcrypto.dart';

final rawKey = Uint8List(16);

final k = await AesCbcSecretKey.importRawKey(rawKey);

// Use a unique IV for each message.
final iv = Uint8List(16);

// Encrypt a message
final c = await k.encryptBytes(utf8.encode('hello world'), iv);

print(utf8.decode(await k.decryptBytes(c, iv))); // hello world


static Future<AesCbcSecretKey> importRawKey(List<int> keyData) {
  return impl.aesCbc_importRawKey(keyData);