encrypt_env is a Dart package designed to encrypt sensitive environment variables to enhance security for Flutter applications. It provides a convenient solution for protecting sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, and tokens stored in environment configuration files.
To install the package, use the following command:
dart pub global activate encrypt_env
- Navigate to the root of your Flutter project and configure a folder named environment. Inside this folder, create a file named environment.yaml. This file will contain your sensitive environment variables.
- Add your sensitive environment variables to the environment.yaml file. For example:
base_url: "http://localhost:3000"
version: "1.0.0"
production: false
api-key: ""
endpoint_a: ""
endpoint_b: ""
- Run the following command in your terminal to encrypt the environment variables:
encrypt_env gen
Note: Ensure that you do not add the environment.yaml file to the assets section of your pubspec.yaml file to prevent it from being included in the final build of your application.
You can merge a YAML file by providing an environment argument using the --environment option. For example, if you pass "prod" as the environment argument, the tool will merge the environment.yaml file with a prod_environment.yaml file, if it exists, into a single configuration.
# prod_environment.yaml
production: true
base_url: "https://api.example.com"
api_key: "your_production_api_key_here"
database_url: "your_production_database_url_here"
encrypt_env gen --environment prod
Customize the encryption process by providing optional arguments:
-e --environment
: Specify the environment name.-y --yaml
: Specify the YAML file name. Defaults to environment.--folder
: Specify the folder name. Defaults to environment.--file-path
: Specify the encrypted file path. Defaults to lib.--file
: Specify the encrypted file name. Defaults to environment.--format
: Specify the getter name format. Defaults to ssc.
Note: Use the follow command for more information:
encrypt_env -h