launchBot method

Future<Object?> launchBot(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. String botKey,
  3. String botName,
  4. String brandingKey,
  5. String userId,
  6. int chatHistorySize,
  7. bool showDone,
  8. EnBotSdk_LanguageDirection languageDirection,
  9. String headerTitleFont,
  10. String headerDescriptionFont,
  11. String sendMessageButtonIconPath,


Will launch bot with specified botKey and other paramaters

Returns object in when user taps on done button (if enabled)


Future<Object?> launchBot(
    BuildContext context,
    String botKey,
    String botName,
    String brandingKey,
    String userId,
    int chatHistorySize,
    bool showDone,
    EnBotSdk_LanguageDirection languageDirection,
    String headerTitleFont,
    String headerDescriptionFont,
    String sendMessageButtonIconPath) async {
  Uint8List? listData;
  if (sendMessageButtonIconPath != "") {
    try {
      final byteData = await rootBundle.load(sendMessageButtonIconPath);
      listData = Uint8List.view(byteData.buffer);
    } on Error catch (exception) {
      print("Exception loading image");

  Object? obj = await _channel.invokeMethod('launchBot', <String, dynamic>{
    'botKey': botKey,
    'botName': botName,
    'brandingKey': brandingKey,
    'userId': userId,
    'chatHistorySize': chatHistorySize,
    'showDone': showDone,
    'languageDirection': languageDirection.index,
    'headerTitleFont': headerTitleFont,
    'headerDescriptionFont': headerDescriptionFont,
    'sendMessageButtonIcon': listData ?? null