convertEmoteString method

EmoteContext<T> convertEmoteString(
  1. String emoteString,
  2. T actor,
  3. T matchFunc(
    1. String

Used to convert emote strings entered by players to social strings.

Using objectRegExp, convert a string such as %1N smile%1s at [bob]., to the social string %1N smile%1s at %2., as well as creating a list of T instances, where actor is the first, and any other matches follow.

In the case of the example above, assuming Mary used the emote, the perspectives list would be [mary, bob].

Every time a match string is found (according to the objectRegExp regular expression), it is passed through matchFunc, which should return a T instance.

If the match fails for any reason, throw some kind of error which you can catch in your code.

try {
  final ctx = socialsFactory.convertEmoteString(
    emoteString, player, (String name) {
      final Player match = player.match(name);
      if (match == null) throw 'You see no $name here.';
      return match;
  ctx.socialString, ctx.perspectives).dispatch(...);
catch(e) {


EmoteContext<T> convertEmoteString(
    String emoteString, T actor, T Function(String) matchFunc) {
  final List<T> perspectives = <T>[actor];
  final String socialString =
      emoteString.replaceAllMapped(objectRegExp, (Match m) {
    final objectName =;
    if (objectName == null) {
      throw Exception('Object name is null.');
    final perspective = matchFunc(objectName);
    int index;
    if (perspectives.contains(perspective)) {
      index = perspectives.indexOf(perspective);
    } else {
      index = perspectives.length;
    return '%$index';
  return EmoteContext<T>(socialString, perspectives);