parseTextToJson function

String parseTextToJson(
  1. String text

Takes raw string and formats it to json. If you decode the result of the string returned by this then, the resulting object is represented as:

// if only dart had union types or tuples
typedef Json = List<Map<String, Object>>;

Json json = {
  'description': 'flag: Nepal',
   'emoji': ['🇳🇵']


String parseTextToJson(String text) {
  final lines = LineSplitter().convert(text);

  List<Map<String, Object>> emojis = [];

  for (final line in lines) {
    if (!line.startsWith(RegExp(r'[0-9]'))) {

    final reg = RegExp(r'\(.*?\)');

    final item = line.split(reg);

    if (item.length != 2) {

    final emoji = line
        .splitMapJoin((reg), onMatch: (m) => '${m[0]}', onNonMatch: (n) => '')
        .replaceAll(RegExp(r'\(|\)'), '')

    String description;

    final head = item.first;
    final tail = item.last;

    if (tail.isEmpty) {
      description = head.split(';')[2].split('#')[0].trim();
    } else {
      description = tail.trim();

    emojis.add({'description': description, 'emoji': emoji});

  final encoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');

  return encoder.convert(emojis);