stabilize static method
stabilize skin
and gender
of emoji
, if true
static String stabilize(String emoji, {bool skin = true, bool gender = false}){
if (gender){
emoji = emoji.replaceAll('\u{200D}\u{2642}\u{FE0F}', '') // remove ZWJ man from emoji
.replaceAll('\u{200D}\u{2640}\u{FE0F}', '') // remove ZWJ woman from emoji
.replaceAll('\u{1F468}', '\u{1F9D1}') // replace man with person
.replaceAll('\u{1F469}', '\u{1F9D1}') // replace woman with person
.replaceAll('\u{1F474}', '\u{1F9D3}') // replace old man with old person
.replaceAll('\u{1F475}', '\u{1F9D3}'); // replace old woman with old person
final emojiRunes = emoji.runes.toList();
if (skin){
emojiRunes.removeWhere((codeChar) => _isFitzpatrickCode(codeChar));
return String.fromCharCodes(emojiRunes);