setEmojiTextStyle method

List<InlineSpan> setEmojiTextStyle(
  1. String text, {
  2. required TextStyle emojiStyle,
  3. TextStyle? parentStyle,

Produce a list of spans to adjust style for emoji characters. Spans enclosing emojis will have parentStyle combined with emojiStyle. Other spans will not have an explicit style (this method does not set parentStyle to the whole text.


List<InlineSpan> setEmojiTextStyle(String text,
    {required TextStyle emojiStyle, TextStyle? parentStyle}) {
  final finalEmojiStyle =
      parentStyle == null ? emojiStyle : parentStyle.merge(emojiStyle);
  final matches = _emojiRegExp.allMatches(text).toList();
  final spans = <InlineSpan>[];
  var cursor = 0;
  for (final match in matches) {
      ..add(TextSpan(text: text.substring(cursor, match.start)))
          text: text.substring(match.start, match.end),
          style: finalEmojiStyle,
    cursor = match.end;
  spans.add(TextSpan(text: text.substring(cursor, text.length)));
  return spans;