Package for lumberdash that colors your logs and adds emoji's for more visual clarity.
It you love the logger package output format , but the extensibility of lumberdash is a wanted feature ; this is where this package gets you.
By extending a regular LumberdashClient and formatting it's output more coherently, it gets you from the colorize_lumberdash
not so awesome output:
to this one :
The logger can be customized as follows:
putLumberdashToWork(withClients: [
methodCount: 0, // Number of stacktrace lines to show in the logs for non-error entries.
lineLength: 50, // The length of the horizontal separator lines.
printTime: false, // Whether to show the current system time at which the log was submitted.
errorMethodCount: 5, // Number of stacktrace lines to show in the log for error entries.
printEmoji:true, // Whether to show an emoji at the start of the log.
printBox:true, // Whether to wrap the log body into boxes.
printColors:true // Whether to color the output.
To achieve results as :
Get started
Add dependency
emoji_lumberdash: latest
How to use
Pass an instance of EmojiLumberdash
to lumberdash
import 'package:emoji_lumberdash/emoji_lumberdash.dart';
import 'package:lumberdash/lumberdash.dart';
void main() {
putLumberdashToWork(withClients: [EmojiLumberdash()]);
logWarning('Hello Warning');
logFatal('Hello Fatal!');
logMessage('Hello Message!');
logError(Exception('Hello Error'), stacktrace: StackTrace.current);
That's it you have a beautiful highly customizable logger.