recordCompletedSpan<T> method

Future<bool> recordCompletedSpan<T>(
  1. String name,
  2. int startTimeMs,
  3. int endTimeMs, {
  4. ErrorCode? errorCode,
  5. EmbraceSpan? parent,
  6. Map<String, String>? attributes,
  7. List<EmbraceSpanEvent>? events,

Record a span with the given name, error code, parent, start time, and end time (epoch time in milliseconds). Passing in a parent that is null will result in a new trace with the new span as its root. A non-null ErrorCode can be passed in to denote the operation the span represents was ended unsuccessfully under the stated circumstances. You can also pass in a Map with String keys and values to be used as the attributes of the recorded span, or a List of EmbraceSpanEvent to be used as the events of the recorded span.


Future<bool> recordCompletedSpan<T>(
  String name,
  int startTimeMs,
  int endTimeMs, {
  ErrorCode? errorCode,
  EmbraceSpan? parent,
  Map<String, String>? attributes,
  List<EmbraceSpanEvent>? events,
}) {
  throw UnimplementedError('Not implemented yet.');