logPushNotification abstract method

void logPushNotification(
  1. String? title,
  2. String? body, {
  3. String? subtitle,
  4. int? badge,
  5. String? category,
  6. String? from,
  7. String? messageId,
  8. int priority = 0,
  9. bool hasNotification = false,
  10. bool hasData = false,

Manually logs a push notification as a breadcrumb

The parameters subtitle, badge and category are exclusive to iOS notifications, while the parameters from, messageId, priority, hasNotification and hasData are exclusive to Android notifications


void logPushNotification(
  String? title,
  String? body, {
  String? subtitle,
  int? badge,
  String? category,
  String? from,
  String? messageId,
  int priority = 0,
  bool hasNotification = false,
  bool hasData = false,