instance property

Embrace instance

Entry point for the SDK. Use this to call send logs and other information to Embrace.

  onPressed: () {
    Embrace.instance.addBreadcrumb('Tapped button');
  child: const Text('Add breadcrumb'),

You can override this value for mocking in unit testing by setting debugEmbraceOverride.

class MockEmbrace extends Mock implements Embrace {}

void main() {
  test('mocking embrace instances', () {
    final mockEmbrace = MockEmbrace();
    debugEmbraceOverride = mockEmbrace;
    expect(Embrace.instance, mockEmbrace);

    // You can reset [Embrace.instance] by setting [debugEmbraceOverride] to `null`;
    debugEmbraceOverride = null
    expect(Embrace.instance, isNot(mockEmbrace));


static Embrace get instance => debugEmbraceOverride ?? _instance;