fromCompletedRequest static method

EmbraceNetworkRequest fromCompletedRequest({
  1. required String url,
  2. required HttpMethod httpMethod,
  3. required int startTime,
  4. required int endTime,
  5. required int bytesSent,
  6. required int bytesReceived,
  7. required int statusCode,
  8. String? traceId,

Construct a new EmbraceNetworkRequest instance where a HTTP response was returned. If no response was returned, use fromIncompleteRequest instead.

  • url: the URL of the request.
  • httpMethod: the HTTP method of the request.
  • startTime: the start time of the request.
  • endTime: the end time of the request.
  • bytesSent: the number of bytes sent.
  • bytesReceived: the number of bytes received.
  • statusCode: the status code of the response.
  • traceId: the trace ID of the request, used for distributed tracing. Returns a new EmbraceNetworkRequest instance.


// ignore: prefer_constructors_over_static_methods
static EmbraceNetworkRequest fromCompletedRequest({
  required String url,
  required HttpMethod httpMethod,
  required int startTime,
  required int endTime,
  required int bytesSent,
  required int bytesReceived,
  required int statusCode,
  String? traceId,
}) {
  return EmbraceNetworkRequest._(
    url: url,
    httpMethod: httpMethod,
    startTime: startTime,
    endTime: endTime,
    bytesSent: bytesSent,
    bytesReceived: bytesReceived,
    statusCode: statusCode,
    errorDetails: null,
    traceId: traceId,