initialize static method

Future<void> initialize(
  1. String clientId,
  2. Domain domain,
  3. String biometricPrompt,
  4. String redirectUri,
  5. bool enableLogging,

Initialize and configure the Beyond Identity Embedded SDK.

clientId is the public or confidential client ID generated during the OIDC configuration. domain is the region where your Beyond Identity account was created (us or eu). biometricPrompt is the prompt the user will see when asked for biometrics while extending a credential to another device. redirectUri is the URI where the user will be redirected after the authorization has completed. The redirect URI must be one of the URIs passed in the OIDC configuration. enableLogging enables logging if set to true.


static Future<void> initialize(
  String clientId,
  Domain domain,
  String biometricPrompt,
  String redirectUri,
  bool enableLogging,
) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod("initialize", {
    'clientId': clientId,
    'domain': domain.toString(),
    'biometricPrompt': biometricPrompt,
    'redirectUri': redirectUri,
    'enableLogging': enableLogging