modulo static method
The % operator in JavaScript returns the remainder of a / b, but differs from some other languages in that the result will have the same sign as the dividend. For example, -1 % 8 == -1, whereas in some other languages (such as Python) the result would be 7. This function emulates the more correct modulo behavior, which is useful for certain applications such as calculating an offset index in a circular list.
@param {number} a The dividend. @param {number} b The divisor. @return {number} a % b where the result is between 0 and b (either 0 <= x < b or b < x <= 0, depending on the sign of b).
static double modulo(double a, double b)
double r = a % b;
// If r and b differ in sign, add b to wrap the result to the correct sign.
return (r * b < 0) ? r + b : r;