An broad library for common tasks like serialisation, classes for maths types, working with dates/times, object lifecycle management. Many classes derive originally from the excellent Closure Library.
Modifications have been made over time, much of Closure Library is not included, and there have been a lot of classes added which are original.
The Apache 2.0 license has been maintained to match that of the original work.
- colour/RgbColour
- ella
- encoding/AbstractEncoding
- encoding/IEncoding
- encoding/JsonEncoding
- encoding/QueryStringEncoding
- encoding/TextEncoding
- encoding/XmlEncoding
- exception/CustomException
- exception/IllegalArgumentException
- exception/IllegalStateException
- exception/NotImplementedException
- marshal/AutomaticEqualityTrait
- marshal/IArrayMapFunction
- marshal/ISerialisable
- marshal/ISerialisableDeserialisable
- marshal/ISerialisableValueMarshallerFunction
- marshal/IUnmarshalFactory
- marshal/IValueMarshallerFunction
- marshal/MarshalledArray
- marshal/MarshalledMapKeyPhase
- marshal/MarshalledMapValuePhase
- marshal/MarshalledObject
- math/Algebra
- math/Arithmetic
- math/Axis
- math/Bezier
- math/Box
- math/BoxDimension
- math/CardinalDirection
- math/CardinalDirectionType
- math/Coordinate
- math/Coordinate3
- math/IntegerRange
- math/LatLon
- math/Math
- math/Money
- math/Range
- math/Rect
- math/RectEdge
- math/Size
- object/Unique
- reclaimable/IReclaimable
- reclaimable/Reclaimable
- reclaimable/ReclaimableSlot
- reclaimable/ReclaimHandler
- strings/StringJoiner
- strings/StringUtil
- strings/Template
- time/DateTimeSupplierObject
- time/EllaDate
- time/EllaDateRange
- time/EllaDateTime
- time/EllaDateTimeRange
- time/EllaTime
- time/EllaTimeRange
- time/Epoch
- time/MeridiemMode
- time/TwelveHourTime
- time/util/AbstractDurationFormatter
- time/util/CountdownDurationFormatter
- time/util/DateTimeFormatter
- time/util/DateTimeSymbols
- time/util/DurationFormatter
- time/util/FriendlyDateTimeFormatter
- time/util/TimeOfDayFormatter
- time/util/TimeParser
- time/util/TimePrecision