fromEntityPlus static method

Future<ProductModel?> fromEntityPlus(
  1. String documentID,
  2. ProductEntity? entity, {
  3. String? appId,


static Future<ProductModel?> fromEntityPlus(
    String documentID, ProductEntity? entity,
    {String? appId}) async {
  if (entity == null) return null;

  ShopModel? shopHolder;
  if (entity.shopId != null) {
    try {
      shopHolder = await shopRepository(appId: appId)!.get(entity.shopId);
    } on Exception catch (e) {
      print('Error whilst trying to initialise shop');
      print('Error whilst retrieving shop with id ${entity.shopId}');
      print('Exception: $e');

  var counter = 0;
  return ProductModel(
    documentID: documentID,
    appId: entity.appId ?? '',
    title: entity.title,
    about: entity.about,
    price: entity.price,
    weight: entity.weight,
    shop: shopHolder,
    images: entity.images == null
        ? null
        : List<ProductImageModel>.from(
            await Future.wait(entity.images!.map((item) {
            return ProductImageModel.fromEntityPlus(counter.toString(), item,
                appId: appId);
    posSize: await PosSizeModel.fromEntityPlus(entity.posSize, appId: appId),