PageCreateBloc constructor

  1. AppModel app,
  2. AccessBloc accessBloc


PageCreateBloc(, this.accessBloc) : super(PageCreateUninitialised()) {
  on<PageCreateEventValidateEvent>((event, emit) async {
    var appId = app.documentID;
    // convention is that the ID of the appBar, drawers and home menu are the same ID as that of the app
    var homeMenuId = homeMenuID(appId);
    if (event.pageModel.homeMenu == null) {
      // if no home menu specified, then get one and assign
      event.pageModel.homeMenu = await homeMenu(appId);
    } else {
      // if home menu is specified, make sure the ID is in line with the convention (of the ID)
      if (event.pageModel.homeMenu!.documentID != homeMenuId) {
        event.pageModel.homeMenu =
            event.pageModel.homeMenu!.copyWith(documentID: homeMenuId);

    var appBarId = appBarID(appId);
    if (event.pageModel.appBar == null) {
      event.pageModel.appBar = await appBar(appId);
    } else {
      // if appBar is specified, make sure the ID is in line with the convention (of the ID)
      if (event.pageModel.appBar!.documentID != appBarId) {
        event.pageModel.appBar =
            event.pageModel.appBar!.copyWith(documentID: appBarId);

    var leftDrawerId = drawerID(appId, DrawerType.left);
    if (event.pageModel.drawer == null) {
      event.pageModel.drawer = await getDrawer(appId, DrawerType.left);
    } else {
      // if left drawer is specified, make sure the ID is in line with the convention (of the ID)
      if (event.pageModel.drawer!.documentID != leftDrawerId) {
        event.pageModel.drawer =
            event.pageModel.drawer!.copyWith(documentID: leftDrawerId);

    var rightDrawerId = drawerID(appId, DrawerType.right);
    if (event.pageModel.endDrawer == null) {
      event.pageModel.endDrawer = await getDrawer(appId, DrawerType.right);
    } else {
      // if right drawer is specified, make sure the ID is in line with the convention (of the ID)
      if (event.pageModel.endDrawer!.documentID != rightDrawerId) {
        event.pageModel.endDrawer =
            event.pageModel.endDrawer!.copyWith(documentID: rightDrawerId);

    event.pageModel.conditions ??= StorageConditionsModel(
    // the updates happen on a (deep) copy

  on<PageCreateEventApplyChanges>((event, emit) async {
    var theState = state as PageCreateInitialised;
    if ( {
      var homeMenu =
          await homeMenuRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
      if (homeMenu == null) {
        await homeMenuRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
      } else {
        await homeMenuRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!

      var appBar = await appBarRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
      if (appBar == null) {
        await appBarRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
      } else {
        await appBarRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!

    var drawer = await appBarRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
    if (drawer == null) {
      await drawerRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
    } else {
      await drawerRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!

    var endDrawer = await appBarRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
    if (endDrawer == null) {
      await drawerRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
    } else {
      await drawerRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!

    var page = await pageRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
    if (page == null) {
      await pageRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!
    } else {
      await pageRepository(appId: theState.pageModel.appId)!