runBase method

Future<void> runBase({
  1. required String ownerID,


Future<void> runBase({required String ownerID}) async {
  // this code isn't necessarily working correctly: I think it should probably delete all collections, including all packages, and I have the feeling it's not working.
  // however, with the introduction of subcollections for app data, we don't really need this any more, so hence we can skip it
  int i = 0;
  var aaw = adminAppWipers();
  for (int i = 0; i < aaw.length; i++) {
    await aaw[i].deleteAll(appId);
  thePublicLogo = await _publicMediumModel(logoAssetLocation());
  thePublicLogoHead = await _publicMediumModel(logoHeadAssetLocation());
  thePlatformLogo = await _platformMediumModel(logoAssetLocation());
  var endDrawer = await setupProfileDrawer();
  var drawer = await setupDrawer(thePublicLogo);

  await GridViews().run(theApp.documentID);
  var menu = await _appBarMenu("Menu");

  theAppBar = await setupAppBar(
  await setupAppPoliciesAndPages(drawer, endDrawer);

  await setupMenus();
  //await setupPosSizes();
  await setupDividers();
  var homePages = await runTheRest(ownerID, drawer, endDrawer);
  await setupApplication(homePages, ownerID, thePublicLogoHead);