Pub Version

Elevarm Icons for Flutter.

Getting started

Use elevarm_icons together with elevarm_ui:

import 'package:elevarm_ui/elevarm_ui.dart';
import 'package:elevarm_icons/elevarm_icons.dart';



This section is intended for people that wants to develop elevarm_icons package.

Getting Started

Follow instructions below to install this project on your machine.

  1. Clone this repository to your machine.
  2. Go inside the cloned repository:
    cd elevarm_icons
  3. Switch to develop branch:
    git checkout develop
  4. Get all project dependencies:
    flutter pub get
  5. Activate dart_pre_commit by running the following command. dart_pre_commit is pre-commit hooks for formatting and linting code.
    dart run tool/setup_git_hooks.dart

Additional information

Contact here: