A handy testing library for the apps built with Elementary. This one’s helpful when used with the Elementary architecture package.
This library offers some handy tools to test WidgetModel from the Elementary package.
testWidgetModel method
The main testing tool is the testWidgetModel function that executes a test. The parameters it requires are the name of a test, the function preparing WidgetModel for testing, and the function of the test itself.
This is a function of a test itself. When passed the WidgetModel, this function describes its behavior and verifies the result. The function also uses a tester to manipulate the phases of a WidgetModel life cycle, and the BuildContext mock.
How to use
void main() {
late TestPageModelMock model;
late ThemeWrapperMock theme;
late TextThemeMock textTheme;
TestPageWidgetModel setUpWm() {
textTheme = TextThemeMock();
when(() => textTheme.headline4).thenReturn(null);
theme = ThemeWrapperMock();
when(() => theme.getTextTheme(any())).thenReturn(textTheme);
model = TestPageModelMock();
when(() => model.value).thenReturn(0);
when(() => model.increment()).thenAnswer((invocation) => Future.value(1));
return TestPageWidgetModel(model, theme);
testWidgetModel<TestPageWidgetModel, TestPageWidget>(
'counterStyle should be headline4',
(wm, tester, context) {
final style = TextStyleMock();
when(() => textTheme.headline4).thenReturn(style);
expect(wm.counterStyle, style);
testWidgetModel<TestPageWidgetModel, TestPageWidget>(
'when call increment and before get answer valueState should be loading',
(wm, tester, context) async {
when(() => model.increment()).thenAnswer(
(invocation) => Future.delayed(
const Duration(milliseconds: 30),
() => 1,
await Future<void>.delayed(
const Duration(milliseconds: 10),
final value = wm.valueState.value;
expect(value, isNotNull);
expect(value!.isLoading, isTrue);
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