withConfig method

  1. @useResult
IMap<K, V> withConfig(
  1. ConfigMap config

Creates a new map with the given config.

To copy the config from another IMap:

map = map.withConfig(other.config)

To change the current config:

map = map.withConfig(map.config.copyWith(isDeepEquals: isDeepEquals))

See also: withIdentityEquals and withDeepEquals.


IMap<K, V> withConfig(ConfigMap config) {
  if (config == this.config)
    return this;
  else {
    // If the new config is not sorted it can use sorted or not sorted.
    // If the new config is sorted it can only use sorted.
    if (!config.sort || this.config.sort)
      return IMap._unsafe(_m, config: config);
    // If the new config is sorted and the previous is not, it must sort.
      return IMap._unsafe(MFlat.from(_m, config: config), config: config);