Elegant Alert

An elegant alert easy to display to your users with your customizations.


  • Display alerts to users with an easy setup
  • Create customizable popups with multi actions
  • built-in themes: Permission, multi-actions, caution and info
  • Displayed with or without animations
  • Support scale and slide transitions
  • Customizable appearence

Getting Started

To use this elegant notification package you need to add the dependency in pubspec.yaml file.

	elegant_alert_dialog: ^0.0.1



  ///Alert content widget, it's required in all constructors
  ///[ElegantBodyWidget] contain two attributes [title] and [description] of type widgets
  ///both are required
  final ElegantBodyWidget alertContent;

  ///The alert dialog background color, by default alert is white
  ///it's used to render the alert content widget
  final Color backgroundColor;

  ///list of shadows applied to the alert dialog
  ///by default [dialogShadow] is null and a default shadow is applied
  ///if you want to remove shadow pass an empty list in [dialogShadow]
  final List<BoxShadow>? dialogShadow;

  ///the type of animation rendered
  ///[AnimationTypes.slideAnimation] to render a scale animation using [SlideTransition]
  ///[AnimationTypes.scaleAnimation] to show an animation using [Transform.scale]
  ///[animationCurve] is used to set the animation curve
  ///[animationDuration] is the animation duration of type [Duration]
  final AnimationTypes animationType;

  ///the animation curve used to render the animation
  ///by default its [Curves.ease]
  final Curve animationCurve;

  ///The animation duration of being rendered
  ///the default duration is set to one second
  final Duration animationDuration;

  ///indicate whether the barrier is dismissable or not
  ///by default {barrierDismissable == true}
  final bool barrierDismissable;

  ///the alert dialog height
  final double height;

  ///the alert dialog border radius
  final double borderRadius;

  ///the alert dialog border size
  final double borderSize;

  ///indicate whether the animation will be displayed when showing the alert
  ///by default [withAnimation == true]
  final bool withAnimation;

  ///The alert border color
  late Color? borderColor;

  ///the list of actions (widgets) that will be rendered as buttons
  ///required when using [custom] constructor
  late List<Widget> actions;

  ///The main button text
  ///[multiActions] constructor is the primaryActionButton
  ///[permission] is the allowButton text
  ///[caution] is the delete button text
  ///[info] is the confirmation button text
  late String? confirmButtonText;

  ///A secondary main button, displayed only when using [multiActions] constructor
  ///[multiActions] constructor is the primaryActionButton
  late String? secondButtonText;

  ///The cancel button text
  ///[multiActions] the cancel button text
  ///[permission] the deny button text
  ///[caution] the cancel button text
  late String? cancelButtonText;

  ///The main button callback action
  ///[multiActions] primary button callback action
  ///[permission] the allow button action callback
  ///[caution] the delete button action callback
  ///[info] the confirmation button action callback
  late Function()? onConfirmButtonPressed;

  ///A secondary main button, displayed only when using [multiActions] constructor
  /// the action callback will be called when pressing the secondary main button
  late Function()? onSecondaryButtonPressed;

  ///The cancel button action callback
  ///[multiActions] and [caution] constructors is the cancel button
  ///[permission] the deny button
  late Function()? onCancelPressed;

  ///The main button color
  ///[multiActions] constructor is the primary button
  ///[permission] constructor is  the allowButton
  ///[caution] constructor is  the delete button
  ///[info] constructor is  the confirmation button
  late Color? confirmButtonColor;

  ///A secondary main button, displayed only when using [multiActions] constructor
  ///the color in which the secondary button is rendered
  late Color? secondButtonColor;

  ///The cancel button color
  ///[multiActions] and [caution] constructors the cancel button
  ///[permission] the deny button text
  late Color? cancelButtonColor;


  • Permission alert
  height: 200,
  alertContent: ElegantBodyWidget(
    titleWidget: const Row(
      children: [
        SizedBox(width: 5),
          'Access Camera',
          style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
  bodyWidget: const Text(
    "Allow App to take pictures and videos. Capture memorable moments and share them with friends!",
  confirmButtonText: 'Allow',
  cancelButtonText: 'Deny',
  • Multi actions alert
  height: 180,
  alertContent: ElegantBodyWidget(
    titleWidget: const Text(
      "Access to contact",
      style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
    bodyWidget: const Text(
      "Allow App to access your contact, this will let app synchronize all your friends with your contact list.",
  confirmButtonText: 'Allow',
  secondButtonText: 'Deny',
  cancelButtonText: 'Learn More',
  animationType: AnimationTypes.slideAnimation,
  backgroundColor: Colors.white,
  • Caution alert
  confirmButtonText: 'Delete',
  cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
  onConfirmButtonPressed: () {},
  alertContent: ElegantBodyWidget(
    titleWidget: const Text(
      "Are you sure you want to delete?",
      style: TextStyle(
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
    bodyWidget: const Text.rich(
        text: "This action cannot be undone",
        style: TextStyle(
          color: Colors.red,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
        children: [
             " selected data will be permanently deleted from your device.",
             style: TextStyle(
              color: Colors.black,
              fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
  • Info alert
  height: 200,
  withAnimation: false,
  confirmButtonText: 'Confirm',
  alertContent: ElegantBodyWidget(
    titleWidget: const Text(
      "Account updated",
      style: TextStyle(
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
    bodyWidget: const Text(
      """We've made some improvements to your account to enhance your experience.
For more information, please visit our Help Center.""",
  animationType: AnimationTypes.slideAnimation,
  • Custom alert
  borderColor: Colors.brown,
  borderRadius: 0,
  backgroundColor: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8),
  alertContent: ElegantBodyWidget(
    titleWidget: const Text(
      "Your contact list is up to date",
      style: TextStyle(
        color: Colors.brown,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
    bodyWidget: const Text(
      "App has been updating all your contact list, now you can use your app with the latest features",
  actions: [
      onPressed: () {},
      child: const Text(
        style: TextStyle(
          color: Colors.grey,


You can contribute to the project via repository link

  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
