termsEnum method

Future<TermsEnumResult> termsEnum({
  1. String? index,
  2. String? type,
  3. required String field,
  4. String? string,
  5. bool? caseInsensitive,
  6. int? size,

Discover terms in the index that match a partial String https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.1/search-terms-enum.html


Future<TermsEnumResult> termsEnum({
  String? index,
  String? type,
  required String field,
  String? string,
  bool? caseInsensitive,
  int? size,
}) async {
  final path = [
    if (index != null) index,
    if (type != null) type,

  final map = {
    'field': field ,
    if (string != null) 'string': string,
    if (caseInsensitive != null) 'case_insensitive': caseInsensitive,
    if (size != null) 'size': size,
  final rs = await _transport
      .send(Request('POST', path, bodyMap: map));
  rs.throwIfStatusNotOK(message: 'Failed to retrieve term enum for $field.');
  final body = rs.bodyAsMap;

  final termsResults = (body['terms']?.whereType<String>()?.toList() ?? <String>[]) as List<String> ;

  return TermsEnumResult(