ElTooltip - a smart positioned tooltip

Why el_tooltip?

  • đŸ“Ļ Add widget elements to your tooltip
  • ↔ī¸ Chose the prefered position for the tooltip to appear relative to the button
  • ↩ī¸ The position changes automagically if the desired one doesn't fit the screen
  • ✅ No external dependencies
  • ❤ī¸ Customizable layout
  • 🛡ī¸ Null safety

Getting Started

🍭 Installation

Add to your pubspec.yaml

  el_tooltip2: <last_version>

Import the library and call the Widget ElTooltip() with the required fields child and content

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:el_tooltip2/el_tooltip2.dart';

void main() {
    title: 'Flutter Demo',
    theme: ThemeData(
      primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
    home: const SafeArea(
      child: Center(
        child: ElTooltip(
          child: Icon(Icons.info_outline),
          content: Text('This is a tooltip'),

Full example

🏷ī¸ El Tooltip widget properties

Properties Required Default Description
content true What will appear inside the tooltip.
child true Widget that represent the button to activate the tooltip (no click method required).
color false Colors.white Background color of the bubble and the arrow.
distance false 10.0 Space between the child button and the tooltip.
padding false 14.0 Tooltip padding around the content widget.
position false topCenter Desired position based on the Enum ElTooltipPosition. Can be topStart, topCenter, topEnd, rightStart, rightCenter, rightEnd, bottomStart, bottomCenter, bottomEnd, leftStart, leftCenter, leftEnd,
radius false 8.0 Border radius of the tooltip.
showModal false true Displays a fullscreen dark layer behind the tooltip.
timeout false 0 (only disappears on click) How many seconds to wait for the tooltip to disappear.

↔ī¸ El Tooltip available positions

El tooltip header image was created using macrovector illustration on Freepik

