adaptivePasswordGeneration static method

int adaptivePasswordGeneration(
  1. List<int> data

Generate a password capable of cyphering your data to avoid throwing errors. All numbers smaller than the generated will fail to cipher all the data


static int adaptivePasswordGeneration(List<int> data){
  int biggestInteger = 0;
  data.forEach((thisNumber) {
    if(biggestInteger < thisNumber){
      biggestInteger = thisNumber;
  //Pick a random factor
  int p = biggestInteger;
  int q = 1;
  //Zeros to make the password valid when it's split in the middle by CipherGen
  String middleZeroes = "";
  int pLength = p.toString().length;
  if(pLength > 0){
    for(int i = 0; i < (pLength - 1); i++){
      middleZeroes += "0";
  String concatenatedPQ = '$p$middleZeroes$q';
  int password = int.parse(concatenatedPQ);
  return password;