step1 method

List<int> step1({
  1. required int p,
  2. required int q,

Sets p and q variables. Makes them different prime numbers and generates the necessary data for the next step.


List<int> step1({
  required int p,
  required int q,
  //TODO: Problem may have to do with p and q not beign turned into prime when they are not prime. Find alternative to renaming the parameters name
  //Make the numbers prime if they are not and save them internally
  _pValue = p;
  _qValue = q;
  if(_pValue!.isPrime() == false){
    _pValue = OptimusPrime.primeAfter(_pValue!);
  if(_qValue!.isPrime() == false){
    _qValue = OptimusPrime.primeAfter(_qValue!);
  //Make sure that p and q are not the same
  if(_pValue == _qValue){
    _qValue = OptimusPrime.primeAfter(_qValue!);
  //Calculate N
  _N = _pValue! * _qValue!;
  //Calculate Φ(N)
  _phi = (_pValue! - 1) * (_qValue! - 1);
  //Empty the possible e list
  _possibleE = [];
  //Find and save possible values for e
  for(int i = 2; i < phi!; i++){
    if(i.coprimeWith(phi!) && i.coprimeWith(N!)){
  //Return the possible values for e
  return _possibleE;