navigation top-level constant

List<String> const navigation


const navigation = [
  "import 'package:{app}/service/navigation/navigation.service.dart';",
  "import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';",
  "import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';",
  "import 'package:productive/core/clean.core.dart';",
  "/// simple getter for navigation state object",
  "GoRouterState state(BuildContext context) => GoRouterState.of(context);",
  "/// navigate to this route",
  "/// if you pass context then it will take all path parameters and query parameters",
  "/// and pass it to the new route",
  "void go(",
  "  R route, {",
  "  Map<String, String> pathParameters = const <String, String>{},",
  "  Map<String, dynamic> queryParameters = const <String, dynamic>{},",
  "  Object? extra,",
  "  BuildContext? context,",
  "  BuildContext? returnToMe,",
  "}) {",
  "  NavigationService.context?.goNamed(",
  "    pathParameters: {",
  "      if (context != null) ...GoRouterState.of(context).pathParameters,",
  "      ...pathParameters",
  "    },",
  "    queryParameters: {",
  "      if (context != null) ...GoRouterState.of(context).uri.queryParameters,",
  "      if (returnToMe != null)",
  "        'from': GoRouterState.of(returnToMe).uri.toString(),",
  "      ...clean(queryParameters)",
  "    },",
  "    extra: extra,",
  "  );",
  "/// pushing a screen to stack",
  "void push(",
  "  R route, {",
  "  Map<String, String> pathParameters = const <String, String>{},",
  "  Map<String, dynamic> queryParameters = const <String, dynamic>{},",
  "  Object? extra,",
  "}) =>",
  "    NavigationService.context?.pushNamed(",
  "      pathParameters: pathParameters,",
  "      queryParameters: queryParameters,",
  "      extra: extra,",
  "    );",
  "/// pop current screen from stack then adding screen to stack",
  "void pushReplacement(",
  "  R route, {",
  "  Map<String, String> pathParameters = const <String, String>{},",
  "  Map<String, dynamic> queryParameters = const <String, dynamic>{},",
  "  Object? extra,",
  "}) =>",
  "    NavigationService.context?.pushReplacementNamed(",
  "      pathParameters: pathParameters,",
  "      queryParameters: queryParameters,",
  "      extra: extra,",
  "    );",
  "/// removing current screen from stack",
  "/// if you pass version with one it's mean that you will pop as an old way {}",
  "Future<void> pop<T>({int version = 2, BuildContext? context, T? data}) async {",
  "  assert([1, 2].contains(version), 'version can\\'t be anything but 1 or 2');",
  "  if (version == 1) return Navigator.pop(NavigationService.context!, data);",
  "  if (context == null && version == 2) return NavigationService.context?.pop();",
  "  if (context != null && version == 2) {",
  "    final result = await _canPop(context);",
  "    if (result) return NavigationService.context?.pop();",
  "  }",
  "Future<bool> _canPop(BuildContext context) async {",
  "  final s = state(context);",
  "  final from = s.uri.queryParameters['from'];",
  "  if (from == null || from.isEmpty) return true;",
  "  context.go(from);",
  "  return false;",