efsqlite Package For Easy DB With Provider AutoMap No Generator

  • efsqlite You Can Management The Database Easy
  • It's Auto ToMap FromMap
  • No Generator
  • Auto PK Generate
  • Provider
  • Your Own Query
  • Remove DB
  • Work With Enum
  • View For Any Model Add Delete Edit Get
  • Full App Design With EFMatrialApp
  • You Can Call Actions From Model
  • Default Items For Tables
  • Auto Indexing

https://dev-wsmwebsite.pantheonsite.io/ https://dev-wsmwebsite.pantheonsite.io/efsqlite


Import efsqlite.dart

 import '../../efsqlite.dart';

Create Class (database.dart)

 class Todo extends IModel {
     Todo({this.id, this.name, this.isDone});
     int? id;
     String? name;
     bool? isDone;

Create Table (database.dart)

 EFTable<Todo> tb_todos = EFTable(
    tableName: "todos",
    primrayKeyType: PrimaryKeyEnum.AutoIncrement,
    properties: [
            name: "name",
            type: TypeEnum.STRING,
            propertyGet: (e) => e.name,
            propertySet: (e, v) => e.name = v,
            isIndexed: true,
            name: "isDone",
            type: TypeEnum.BOOL,
            propertySet: (e, v) => e.isDone = v,
            propertyGet: (e) => e.isDone,
    primaryKeyGet: (e) => e.id,
    primaryKeySet: (e, v) => e.id = v,
    newEmptyObject: () => Todo(),

Create Sqlite Data (database.dart)

 SqliteData data = SqliteData(
     tables: [tb_todos], 
     databaseName: "AppDb"

Create Sqlite Query (database.dart)

 SqliteQuery<Todo> TodosManager = SqliteQuery(
     data: data, 
     table: tb_todos

Create View (main.dart)

 void main() {
        theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),
        data: data,
        pages: [
                page: (scaffold, heightDialog) => 
                        scaffold: scaffold,
                        query: TodosManager,
                        heightDialog: heightDialog,
                table: tb_todos,
                appBarName: "Todos",
                icon: Icons.today_outlined,
        isDrawer: false,

Preview You Can Edit The Theme


import '../../efsqlite.dart';

class Todo extends IModel {
    Todo({this.id, this.name, this.isDone});
    int? id;
    String? name;
    bool? isDone;

class TodoVaction extends IModel {
    TodoVaction({this.id, this.name, this.isDone});
    int? id;
    String? name;
    bool? isDone;

EFTable<Todo> tb_todos = EFTable(
    tableName: "todos",
    primrayKeyType: PrimaryKeyEnum.AutoIncrement,
    properties: [
            name: "name",
            type: TypeEnum.STRING,
            propertyGet: (e) => e.name,
            propertySet: (e, v) => e.name = v,
            isIndexed: true,
            name: "isDone",
            type: TypeEnum.BOOL,
            propertySet: (e, v) => e.isDone = v,
            propertyGet: (e) => e.isDone,
    primaryKeyGet: (e) => e.id,
    primaryKeySet: (e, v) => e.id = v,
    newEmptyObject: () => Todo(),
EFTable<TodoVaction> tb_todoVactions = EFTable(
    tableName: "todoVactions",
    primrayKeyType: PrimaryKeyEnum.AutoIncrement,
    properties: [
            name: "name",
            type: TypeEnum.STRING,
            propertyGet: (e) => e.name,
            propertySet: (e, v) => e.name = v,
            isIndexed: true,
            name: "isDone",
            type: TypeEnum.BOOL,
            propertySet: (e, v) => e.isDone = v,
            propertyGet: (e) => e.isDone,
    primaryKeyGet: (e) => e.id,
    primaryKeySet: (e, v) => e.id = v,
    newEmptyObject: () => TodoVaction(),
SqliteData data =
    SqliteData(tables: [tb_todos, tb_todoVactions], databaseName: "AppDb");
SqliteQuery<Todo> TodosManager = SqliteQuery(data: data, table: tb_todos);
SqliteQuery<TodoVaction> TodoVactionsManager =
    SqliteQuery(data: data, table: tb_todoVactions);


import './database.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import '../../efsqlite.dart';

void main() {
        theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),
        data: data,
        pages: [
                page: (scaffold, heightDialog) => ManagePage(
                    scaffold: scaffold,
                    query: TodosManager,
                    heightDialog: heightDialog,
                table: tb_todos,
                appBarName: "Todos",
                icon: Icons.today_outlined,
                page: (scaffold, heightDialog) => ManagePage(
                    scaffold: scaffold,
                    query: TodoVactionsManager,
                    heightDialog: heightDialog,
                table: tb_todoVactions,
                appBarName: "TodosVaction",
                icon: Icons.card_travel_rounded,

Preview Result You Can Edit The Theme

If We Edit isDrawer

    isDrawer: false,