Still On Development:

This package is still on development phase, will update\improve readme and its functionality once its developed. Lots of task still on the way


A GridView which allow every crossAxis to have its own intrinsic size, i.e. its own intrinsic height for vertical scrolling or its own intrinsic width for horizontal scrolling.

What is Intrinsic?

Lets say, you are using GridView with vertical scrolling, in this case crossAxis means every Row. Lets assume that every Row's element have its own different height, and while rendering a specific Row, you want to set height of the maximum element of that specific Row, that's called setting intrinsic size of every crossAxis of a GridView.

By default GridView does not allows this, in GridView you have to set a one fixed mainAxisExtent or internally GridView will automatically calculates one mainAxisExtent for every crossAxis. Lets say A crossAxis have max size X and B crossAxis have max size Y. In GridView you are forced to use only one mainAxisExtent, say Y. So even A crossAxis have to use Y mainAxisExtent, leaving unnecessary white spaces its smaller than A or may throw RenderFlex Overflow if its bigger than B.

And that's how I come up with an idea of creating this package!. In this package we have multiple mainAxisExtent as per every crossAxis's elements max size.

But why there is Efficient word in my package??

Because it's efficient.

This Intrinsic name was inspired from IntrinsicHeight and IntrinsicWidth widget provided by Flutter framework. To demonstrate what inefficiency is, I have also created EfficientIntrinsicGridView.shrinkWrap, which is made from combination of IntrinsicHeight and IntrinsicWidth on scrollable Row and Column to render the GridView. I have named it shrinkWrap, because most of new developer learns about shrinkWrap when flutter is throwing has infinite size error on Scrolling item. This widget prevents that error.

But lets say there are 100 items on a GridView, IntrinsicHeight and IntrinsicWidth are already an expensive widget, and when you are using EfficientIntrinsicGridView.shrinkWrap you are rendering all the expensive 100 widgets at once. Huge memory will be used by the app, sometimes your app can even crash if your memory consumption is higher than RAM memory available. That's why don't use EfficientIntrinsicGridView.shrinkWrap, its inefficient.

Regarding has infinite size, I personally hate using shrinkWrap true on GridView. So either set use proper sizing of the widgets or from IntrinsicController you can access total calculated size of the EfficientIntrinsicGridView, or my favorite way is to use CustomScrollView.

Now lets come to the efficient solutions:

EfficientIntrinsicGridView and EfficientIntrinsicGridView.builder

Both have there own efficient algorithm to calculate intrinsic mainAxisExtent of crossAxis items, without using expensive IntrinsicHeight and IntrinsicWidth widget. Unlike EfficientIntrinsicGridView.shrinkWrap, it does not renders all 100 elements at once. After calculating the size, custom SliverGridDelegate of this EfficientIntrinsicGridView renders only the element which is visible to the user, plus one extra buffer. Whether the items available are 10 or 100, the memory consumption while rendering those elements will remain the same.

And that's why my package is efficient!