timeout method
Creates a new stream with the same events as this stream.
When someone is listening on the returned stream and more than
passes without any event being emitted by this stream,
the onTimeout
function is called, which can then emit further events on
the returned stream.
The countdown starts when the returned stream is listened to,
and is restarted when an event from this stream is emitted,
or when listening on the returned stream is paused and resumed.
The countdown is stopped when listening on the returned stream is
paused or cancelled.
No new countdown is started when a countdown completes
and the onTimeout
function is called, even if events are emitted.
If the delay between events of this stream is multiple times
, at most one timeout will happen between events.
The onTimeout
function is called with one argument: an
EventSink that allows putting events into the returned stream.
This EventSink
is only valid during the call to onTimeout
Calling EventSink.close on the sink passed to onTimeout
closes the
returned stream, and no further events are processed.
If onTimeout
is omitted, a timeout will emit a TimeoutException
into the error channel of the returned stream.
If the call to onTimeout
throws, the error is emitted as an error
on the returned stream.
The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is. If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription will have its individually timer that starts counting on listen, and the subscriptions' timers can be paused individually.
Future<String> waitTask() async {
return await Future.delayed(
const Duration(seconds: 4), () => 'Complete');
final stream = Stream<String>.fromFuture(waitTask())
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 2), onTimeout: (controller) {
print('TimeOut occurred');
stream.listen(print, onDone: () => print('Done'));
// Outputs:
// TimeOut occurred
// Done
Stream<List<int>> timeout(
Duration timeLimit, {
void Function(EventSink<List<int>> sink)? onTimeout,
}) {
return _body.timeout(timeLimit, onTimeout: onTimeout);