newKeyFromSeed function

PrivateKey newKeyFromSeed(
  1. Uint8List seed

NewKeyFromSeed calculates a private key from a seed. It will throw ArgumentError if seed.length is not SeedSize. This function is provided for interoperability with RFC 8032. RFC 8032's private keys correspond to seeds in this package.


PrivateKey newKeyFromSeed(Uint8List seed) {
  if (seed.length != SeedSize) {
    throw ArgumentError('ed25519: bad seed length ${seed.length}');
  var h = sha512.convert(seed);
  var digest = h.bytes.sublist(0, 32);
  digest[0] &= 248;
  digest[31] &= 127;
  digest[31] |= 64;

  var A = ExtendedGroupElement();
  var hBytes = digest.sublist(0);
  GeScalarMultBase(A, hBytes as Uint8List);
  var publicKeyBytes = Uint8List(32);

  var privateKey = Uint8List(PrivateKeySize);
  arrayCopy(seed, 0, privateKey, 0, 32);
  arrayCopy(publicKeyBytes, 0, privateKey, 32, 32);
  return PrivateKey(privateKey);