or static method

Gateway or(
  1. Iterable<Gateway> gateways, {
  2. Gateway or(
    1. Iterable<Gateway> gateways

Returns single gateway if gateways is single, otherwise returns or callback result.


static Gateway or(
  Iterable<Gateway> gateways, {
  Gateway Function(Iterable<Gateway> gateways)? or,
}) {
  // If gateways is single, or the [or] callback is null and gateways is not
  // empty, return the first gateway.
  if (gateways.length == 1 || (or == null && gateways.isNotEmpty)) {
    return gateways.first;

    // If or is null, throw [EmptyGatewaysException]
  } else if (or == null) {
    throw const EmptyGatewaysException();

  return or(gateways);