
Easily integrate easypaisa payment option in your Flutter app.

:rocket: Installation

Add this to dependencies in your app's pubspec.yaml

easypaisa_flutter : latest_version

:hammer: Initialization

initialize in main.dart

 'username', //merchant account username
 'password', //merchant account password
'storeId', //merchant storeId
 true, //is testing account or not
 AccountType.MA, //Merchant account type either Mobile account or OTC 

: Usage

:pushpin: Note :

All requested perameters are String type

: Make a payment

 Response response = await EasypaisaFlutter.requestPayment(
      'amount', //amount that you wanna charge
      'account number', //user account number
      'email', //user email address

print(response.body); // to print response body

: Response

"transactionDateTime":"01/03/2024 10:53 AM",
"responseDesc":"your response descriptions"}

: Inquire previous payment

 Response response = await EasypaisaFlutter.requestPaymentStatus(
      'order ID', //order id recieved in response
      'account number', //user account number

print(response.body); // to print response body

: Response

"orderId”: "order Id",
"accountNum" : "654123987",
"storeId" : store Id,
"storeName" : "PG Store 1",
"paymentToken" : "40931912",
"transactionStatus" : "PENDING",
"transactionAmount" : 12,
"transactionDateTime" : "09/08/2018 10:04 PM",
"paymentTokenExpiryDateTime" : "09/07/2019 05:06 PM",
"msisdn" : "03458508726",
"paymentMode" : "MA",
"responseCode " : "0000",
"responseDesc" : "SUCCESS"


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