
Story view for applications, using easydev ui kit

Screen 1

Screen 2

Screen 1

This a Flutter widget, used to display stories in applications, using easydev ui kit. Comes with gestures to pause, forward and go to previous page and with ability to customize stories.


  • Gestures for pause, switching between stories and closing them with drag animation.
  • Built-in support for pictures and videos, as well as the ability to create custom stories.
  • Animated progress indicator.
  • Built-in footers, as well as ability to create custom footers.
  • Controller for managing stories.


To use this package, add easydev_story_view and easydev_theme as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


Import package into your code:

import "package:easydev_story_view/easydev_story_view.dart";

EasyDevStory must be wrapped in EasyDevTheme. You can provide theme manually using EasyDevTheme (from easydev_theme package), Theme or CupertinoTheme or wrap it with widgets that provide theme automatically such as EasyDevApp(from easydev_basics package), MaterialApp or CupertinoApp.



Use EasyDevStory to add stories to screen or view heirarchy. EasyDevStory requires storyCount to determine how many stories will be displayed, storyBuilder to build stories and sliderBuilder to build widgets, showing in list of all stories for each story. In storyBuilder Story widgets must be returned.

    storyCount: 10,
    storyBuilder: (storyIndex) => Story(...),
    sliderBuilder: (storyIndex) => ...

Story requires contentCount to determine how many slides will be displayed in story and contentBuilder to build story content. In contentBuilder EasyDevStoryContent widgets must be returned.

   contentCount: 5,
   contentBuilder: (contentIndex) => EasyDevStoryContent(...),

There are three built-in widgtes of EasyDevStoryContent:

  • ImageContent for displaying images.
  • VideoContent for displaying videos.
  • SimpleCustomContent for displaying synchronous contents.

To create custom content you need to create widget that extends StoryContent.

Slider items

There are two built-in widgets to use in sliderBuilder:

  • SimpleCustomSlideItem for displaying synchronous contents.
  • ImageNetworkSlideItem for displaying network images.

You can create your own custom slider item and pass it to sliderBuilder.

Basic example

Below is a basic example of using stories.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    const firstStoryContent = <EasyDevStoryContent>[
        url: 'https://loremflickr.com/600/900',
        timeout: Duration(seconds: 10),
        duration: Duration(seconds: 15),
        url: 'https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/videos/butterfly.mp4',
        timeout: Duration(seconds: 10),

    final secondStoryContent = [
        duration: const Duration(seconds: 5),
        builder: (context) {
          return const Text('Simple custom story 1');
        duration: const Duration(seconds: 5),
        builder: (context) {
          return const Text('Simple custom story 2');

    final stories = [firstStoryContent, secondStoryContent];
    final storiesSliders = [
      const SimpleCustomSlideItem(
        width: 120,
        height: 120,
        text: 'Large large text',
      const ImageNetworkSlideItem(
        url: 'https://docs.flutter.dev/assets/images/dash/dash-fainting.gif',
        width: 120,
        height: 120,

    return SafeArea(
      child: Column(
        children: [
            height: 120,
            child: EasyDevStory(
              storyCount: stories.length,
              storyBuilder: (storyIndex) => Story(
                contentCount: stories[storyIndex].length,
                contentBuilder: (contentIndex) => stories[storyIndex][contentIndex],
              sliderBuilder: (storyIndex) {
                return storiesSliders[storyIndex];

Additional customization


Use EasyDevStoryStyle to castomize appearance of story widgets.

    style: const EasyDevStoryStyle(
        sliderStyle: SliderStyle(
        spacing: 10,
        padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
        indicatorStyle: IndicatorStyle(),

You can add a footer to the story content. There are two built-in footers: StoryFooter.large and StoryFooter.small. You can create your custom widget and pass it to EasyDevStory.

    footer: StoryFooter.large(
        mainButtonLabel: "Learn More",
        onMainButton: () => ...,
        onButtonLikeTap: (bool state) => ...,
        onButtonShareTap: () => ...,
        onButtonBookmarkTap: (bool state) => ...,
        likeInitState: ...,
        bookmarkInitState: ...,

You can add controller to stories to manage them.

final EasyDevStoryController controller = EasyDevStoryController();
    controller: controller,

