Easy Typography

A easy way to use typography in flutter



  • Use Text Theme Styled Text with widgets, no need to pass context
  • Use Locale Keys instead of texts

Getting started

You can start using just passing the text to one of the text widgets.

import 'package:easy_typography/easy_typography.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const Scaffold(
        body: BodyLargeText('my text')


Widget names

Since we use the same names from the flutter TextTheme class, you can just use the same name.
We have the following widgets:

  • DisplayLargeText
  • DisplayMediumText
  • DisplaySmallText
  • HeadlineMediumText
  • HeadlineSmallText
  • TitleLargeText
  • TitleMediumText
  • TitleSmallText
  • BodyLargeText
  • BodyMediumText
  • BodySmallText
  • LabelLargeText
  • LabelSmallText


We also use the same parameters as the widget Text from 'package:flutter/material.dart', so if you need to customize, just pass the parameters as usual


You can use the parameter fit, passing a BoxFit enum. When passing, the text will be wrapped by a FittedBox class


You can use your locale using the parameter textKey or using the constructor DisplayLargeText.key.

import 'package:easy_typography/easy_typography.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const Scaffold(
        body: DisplayLargeText.key('my_key')

To configure your locale, you need to implement the class TextLocale, using the method localize as your way to localize your text:

class MyLocale extends TextLocale {
  String localize(String key) {
    return testText;

After that you just need to pass to your class to our singleton BaseTextLocale before you application starts:

import 'package:easy_typography/easy_typography.dart';


Additional information

Since this package uses the Text be warned that if this class changes, the widgets names might change as well!