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Flutter package to make it easyer to add animation to page navigation. It provieds scale and fade transition.

Created by Omar Mouki

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simply add the EasyTransition widget and provied a child, and a distination page. The default constructor will create a scale animation,

             child: EasyTransition(
               child: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
               pageToPush: SecondPage(),

The package supports multy animation, and push typs. this will use PushAndRemoveUntil push type, with the optional transitionAlignment , and curve.

            child: EasyTransition.scalePushAndRemoveUntil(
              child: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
              pageToPush: SecondPage(),
              transitionAlignment: Alignment.center,
              curve: Curves.decelerate,

this will create a fade transitions.

             child: EasyTransition.fadePushReplacement(
               child: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
               pageToPush: SecondPage(),


  /// required params for all constructors

  /// [child] is the clickable widget to
  /// activate the navigation
  final Widget child;

  /// [pageToPush] is the destination page to navigate to
  final Widget pageToPush;

  /// optional params for all scale constructors and the default constructor

  /// [transitionDurationMilliseconds] the time for the
  /// push animation default [ transitionDurationMilliseconds = 500 ]
  int? transitionDurationMilliseconds;

  /// [reverseTransitionDurationMilliseconds] the time for the
  /// pop animation default [ reverseTransitionDurationMilliseconds = 200 ]
  int? reverseTransitionDurationMilliseconds;

  /// the starting point for the scale animation
  Alignment? transitionAlignment;

  /// the push animation type of the scale navigation
  Curve? curve;

  /// the pop animation type of the scale navigation
  Curve? reverseCurve;



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