Easy Sidemenu

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Easy sidemenu is An easy to use side menu (bar) for flutter that you can use for navigation in your application.

Sidemenu is a menu that is usually located on the left or right of the page and can used for navigation or other things. Sidemenu is similar to bottom navigation bar but in the side of screen and usually used for larger screens.


Open Compact
Open Compact


You can see web demo here: https://jamalianpour.github.io/easy_sidemenu


1. add dependencies into you project pubspec.yaml file
  easy_sidemenu: ^0.6.1

Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app.

2. import easy sidemenu lib
import 'package:easy_sidemenu/easy_sidemenu.dart';

Now you can use SideMenu as a widget in your code.

3. use SideMenu

You must first define a list of items to display on SideMenu:

List items = [
    title: 'Dashboard',
    onTap: (index, _) {
    icon: Icon(Icons.home),
    badgeContent: Text(
      style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
    title: "Expansion Item",
    icon: const Icon(Icons.kitchen),
    onTap: (index, _, isExpanded) => {
        print('$index, expanded $isExpanded')
    children: [
        title: 'Expansion Item 1',
        onTap: (index, _) {
        icon: const Icon(Icons.home),
        title: 'Expansion Item 2',
        onTap: (index, _) {
        icon: const Icon(Icons.supervisor_account),
    title: 'Exit',
    onTap: () {},
    icon: Icon(Icons.exit_to_app),
custom builder:

Instead of title and icon in SideMenuItem can use builder to create your customize items:

  builder: (context, displayMode) {
    return Container();
  onTap: () {},

After that you need to warp your main page to a row and then add SideMenu as first child of that, like below:

PageController pageController = PageController();
SideMenuController sideMenu = SideMenuController();

void initState() {
  // Connect SideMenuController and PageController together
  sideMenu.addListener((index) {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Row(
    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
    children: [
        // Page controller to manage a PageView
        controller: sideMenu,
        // Will shows on top of all items, it can be a logo or a Title text
        title: Image.asset('assets/images/easy_sidemenu.png'),
        // Will show on bottom of SideMenu when displayMode was SideMenuDisplayMode.open
        footer: Text('demo'),
        // Notify when display mode changed
        onDisplayModeChanged: (mode) {
        // List of SideMenuItem to show them on SideMenu
        items: items,
        child: PageView(
          controller: pageController,
          children: [
              child: Center(
                child: Text('Dashboard'),
              child: Center(
                child: Text('Expansion Item 1'),
              child: Center(
                child: Text('Expansion Item 2'),


you can change style of side menu with SideMenuStyle :

  displayMode: SideMenuDisplayMode.auto,
  decoration: BoxDecoration(),
  openSideMenuWidth: 200,
  compactSideMenuWidth: 40,
  hoverColor: Colors.blue[100],
  selectedColor: Colors.lightBlue,
  selectedIconColor: Colors.white,
  unselectedIconColor: Colors.black54,
  backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
  selectedTitleTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
  unselectedTitleTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.black54),
  iconSize: 20,
  itemBorderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(
  showTooltip: true,
  showHamburger: true,
  itemHeight: 50.0,
  itemInnerSpacing: 8.0,
  itemOuterPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 5.0),
  toggleColor: Colors.black54,

  // Additional properties for expandable items
  selectedTitleTextStyleExpandable: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), // Adjust the style as needed
  unselectedTitleTextStyleExpandable: TextStyle(color: Colors.black54), // Adjust the style as needed
  selectedIconColorExpandable: Colors.white, // Adjust the color as needed
  unselectedIconColorExpandable: Colors.black54, // Adjust the color as needed
  arrowCollapse: Colors.blueGrey, // Adjust the color as needed
  arrowOpen: Colors.lightBlueAccent, // Adjust the color as needed
  iconSizeExpandable: 24.0, // Adjust the size as needed

Style Example

style: SideMenuStyle(
  displayMode: SideMenuDisplayMode.auto,
  hoverColor: Colors.blue[100],
  selectedColor: Colors.blue[600],
  selectedTitleTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
  selectedIconColor: Colors.white,
  unselectedIconColor: Colors.white70,
  unselectedTitleTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white70),
  showHamburger: false
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8)),
      boxShadow: [
          color: Color.fromARGB(255, 79, 117, 134),
          spreadRadius: 1,
          blurRadius: 10,
          offset: Offset(0, 0), // changes position of shadow
  backgroundColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 79, 117, 134),
  // openSideMenuWidth: 200


Style Props

props types description
displayMode SideMenuDisplayMode? SideMenuDisplayMode.auto, SideMenuDisplayMode.open, SideMenuDisplayMode.compact
decoration BoxDecoration? Decoration of SideMenu background (container)
openSideMenuWidth double? Width of SideMenu when displayMode was SideMenuDisplayMode.open
compactSideMenuWidth double? Width of SideMenu when displayMode was SideMenuDisplayMode.compact
hoverColor Color? Color of SideMenuItem when mouse hover on that
selectedColor Color? Background color of SideMenuItem when item is selected
selectedIconColor Color? Color of icon when item is selected
unselectedIconColor Color? Color of icon when item is unselected
backgroundColor Color? Background color of SideMenu
selectedTitleTextStyle TextStyle? Style of title text when item is selected
unselectedTitleTextStyle TextStyle? Style of title text when item is unselected
iconSize double? Size of icon on SideMenuItem
toggleColor Color? Color of toggle button
itemBorderRadius BorderRadius Border Radius of menu item
showTooltip bool Property that will show user itemName in Tooltip when they'll hover over the item
itemInnerSpacing double Inner spacing of menu item
itemOuterPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry Outer padding of menu item
itemHeight double Height of menu item
showHamburger bool Property that will show Hamburger on top-left corner if set as true
selectedTitleTextStyleExpandable TextStyle? Style of title text when item is selected in SideMenuExpandableItem
unselectedTitleTextStyleExpandable TextStyle? Style of title text when item is unselected in SideMenuExpandableItem
selectedIconColorExpandable Color? Color of icon when item is selected in SideMenuExpandableItem
unselectedIconColorExpandable Color? Color of icon when item is unselected in SideMenuExpandableItem
arrowCollapse Color? Color of arrow in collapsed state in SideMenuExpandableItem
arrowOpen Color? Color of arrow in open state in SideMenuExpandableItem
iconSizeExpandable double? Size of icon on SideMenuExpandableItem


Special thanks to aditya113141 for contributing and implementing SideMenuExpansionItem

Feel free to fork this repository and send pull request 🏁👍

