generateModels function

Future<void> generateModels()


Future<void> generateModels() async {
  final pathToFolder = Directory.current.path.replaceAll('\\', '/');
  // the models in the yaml file
  final yamlFile = File('$pathToFolder/models.yaml');
  //create a new file in case it accidentally got deleted
  if (!await yamlFile.exists()) {
    await yamlFile.create();

  final YamlMap yaml = loadYaml(await yamlFile.readAsString());
  if (yaml.isEmpty) {
    print('models.yaml is empty');
  modelTypes = yaml.keys.cast<String>().toList();

  //model file
  File modelFile = File('$pathToFolder/lib/model.dart');
  //"refresh" the file (delete it and generate a new one)
  if (await modelFile.exists()) {
    await modelFile.delete();
  //create  model file
  await modelFile.create();
  //create a stringbuffer to write the filecontents to
  final StringBuffer modelbuffer = StringBuffer();
  //write the abstract class

  //read the input file and process the YamlMap
  late final List<MapEntry> entryList;
  try {
    entryList = yaml.entries.toList();
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error: $e");
    print("Formatting issue occured in your yaml");
    throw Error();

  //for loop to handle every Model in the yaml
  List<GeneratedModel> models = [];
  for (MapEntry mapEntry in entryList) {
    models.add(GeneratedModel(mapEntry, modelbuffer));
  //generate each model
  for (GeneratedModel model in models) {
  //write the buffer to the file