request function

dynamic request({
  1. required String url,
  2. String method = 'GET',
  3. Map<String, String>? headers,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? body,

The url is the endpoint the function is going to attack with the specified method.

When method is PUT or POST a body is required, which is always a Map<String, dynamic>. Working with JSON and RESTFUL Services may need to set the request headers. For example, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' (provided by this package, don't need to set up) or an auth header will be required.

This function returns a List


dynamic request({
  required String url,
  String method = 'GET',
  Map<String, String>? headers,
  Map<String, dynamic>? body,
}) async {
  method = method.toUpperCase();
  _throwError(method, body);

  headers = headers ?? {};
  if (method == 'PUT' || method == 'POST') {
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';

  final http.Response response = method == 'GET'
      ? await _availableFunctions[method](Uri.parse(url), headers: headers)
      : await _availableFunctions[method](Uri.parse(url),
          headers: headers, body: jsonEncode(body));
  // if (method == 'DELETE') print(response.body);
  return response.body.isEmpty
      ? 'No data sent back to user'
      : jsonDecode(response.body);